Now is the time for the sports industry to act

Trace, Measure and Monitor

A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) provides the standardised framework, guidelines and requirements (ISO 14040 and 14044) for measuring the environmental impact of a product. Working with our clients we set out the goal and scope of the study, the intended audience and how the results are intended to be used and whether or not they are to be disclosed publicly.

The LCA process starts with gathering relevant inventory information about where and how the raw materials were sourced. From there we track each stage including transportation, manufacturing, storage, distribution, use and the possibility for reuse or recycling.

Utilising clients primary data, best in class third-party software, databases and partnership networks, we collect and structure data in order to generate a statistically sound sample. We then proportionately allocate this data to the various processes and components.

Analyse and Report

Once we have gathered all the data that we need and allocated it to the various stages and processes, we conduct a Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) to estimate the ultimate effect those activities have on people and the environment. An LCIA takes the collected data from the inventory process and classifies them into specific impact categories (eg. human toxicity, climate change, land use, resource depletion, water eutrophication etc). We then calculate the data into equalised units in order to estimate the cumulative impact on the impact categories to which they have been allocated. The translation of numerical data into real-world consequences for ecosystems, human health and resources is the most vital constituent of any LCA.

The output of these reports can then be analysed and utilised by our clients’ multiple stakeholders. Management can make strategic decisions determined by sustainability such as identifying cost savings, enhanced brand value for competitive differentiation, improved product design and better procurement decisions.

Change and Contribute

Each LCA should enable actionable insight. Post-analysis and where alternatives are possible, change should be implemented quickly and efficiently. After all, this is why companies should wish to undertake LCAs.

It is clear though that changing all negative impacts in a product’s life cycle may not be possible or economically viable. Our consulting team will offer alternatives and work with our clients to seek methods to offset or contribute to a better planet.