Graeme Wood


In recent years, it has become so apparent to me that climate change is having an enormous impact on our ability to play sport. If we do not quickly make changes then there is no way we will be able to ski, golf, cycle, surf, even run like we do now.

Sport is a huge part of my life - I play and watch sport whenever I can. I have been an avid consumer of sports equipment, always aware of the latest products and often succumbing to temptation and purchasing the latest in technological advancements! This is unsustainable and so I have sought to make a change.

This journey started with my researching the environmental impact and sustainability of sports equipment and in particular sustainable golf clubs and tennis racquets. Other than buying second-hand, I observed that the new product market is limited in terms of sustainability. When it comes to sport, it seems that performance trumps everything else, including saving the environment.

I founded Eucalyptics with the aim of providing like-minded consumers with clarity as to what we are purchasing and the sustainability of it, to encourage the accountability of sports equipment manufacturers, and hopefully make some changes that might just help the planet. It just makes sense.